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Todays Workout

December 20, 2008

Today was arm day. I didn’t do any additional cardio since there was no time. We had to head out to the inlaws for our Chirstmas celebration.

Superset 1- incline bench with seated row.
No issues. Upped the weight on the incline bench. Decreased my rest because we had to hurry and leave.

Superset 2- shoulder press with wide grip lat.
Upped the weight on the shoulder press as well. Again, decreased rest.

Superset 3- close grip bench with high pull.
Increased weight for both of these. Decreased rest yet again.

set 4- swiss ball crunch- upped weight again.

All were with decreased rest. Even though it was less than usual, I did suprisingly well. Maybe it was just extra motivation to get it done as fast as possible. Josh spotted me again with the close grip bench so I could go to my full potential or I probably would have only upped it by 5 lbs instead of the 10.

K, that’s all :).

4 Comments leave one →
  1. robfitness permalink
    December 21, 2008 11:29 AM

    You seem to be doing real well there. At least your attempting to do something no matter how little time you have and that’s a good thing.
    I myself have been a BAD BOY!! Not eating that well and not getting to the gym either. Boy will I pay for that mistake. So I am going to try my hardest to get back to the gym after work on Monday and rededicate myself to what I want to do and not let this setback get the best of me.
    I hope you and yours have a great holiday and may it be all that you want it to be.
    Take it easy and Keep up the great work!

  2. December 22, 2008 8:56 PM

    Hi Rob! I’m still awaiting your news. Heard anything from your trainer yet?

    I’ve been being really horrible with my eating though. I’ve been giving myself too much of a free pass. I’ve been saying to myself, well it’s been so many days since my last soda so I can go ahead and have another bag of chips… So I gained the couple I lost from my last weigh in and I’m no longer below my 130 :(. Even today, caught myself with a snicker bar and a bag of cheeto’s and two peices of pineapple upside down cake- well, had to have the cake since I did make for cakes today.

  3. cheeto permalink
    December 29, 2008 11:54 PM

    Ok, forthelifeofme, you manage to be a parent (single, I think), work, exercise regularly, and maintain this website. How do you do it? Do you only need 5 or 6 hours of sleep each night?

    Curious minds want to know. (So I can implement any never-before-heard-of strategies that will make life easier.)


    • December 30, 2008 5:47 AM

      I’ve been married for the last two years, living together for nearly 7 already? Maybe 6? I forget. So not really a single parent, but may as well be because he doesn’t assist with parenting duties unless I’m at work, and even then he mostly just lets her run free until I get home to get her back in line.

      I have a very strict schedule.
      up at 6, work at 7 until 5, clean up the house till 5:30, supper at 6, workout at 7, homework at 8, get ready for bed starting about nine (I have a routine from that I follow for before bed and in the morning routines). My daughter has also had her same morning, after school, and bedtime routines but even after three years, she still needs me to tell her what to do. Apparently a huge thing on her wall isn’t enough… Drives me nuts! But at least it’s better than it was.

      My husband does pick her up and drop her off at school which helps since she goes to school nearly 35 min away from home. It’s on his way to work so he gets the taxi job :).

      When I’m working out, I usually have her come to the basement with me and she does her homework at the bar. I also often work on Saturdays and Sundays. Trying for another 48 days in a row I think… I work too much! And still back in college again.

      In bed by 10… so 7-8 hours of sleep :).

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