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Sleep is Important

June 2, 2009


So many of us have so many things to do.

With so much to do, what is the first thing people usually skip? Well, for me it would be getting my full eight hours. I know that I am a person who needs eight hours. Sometimes even nine. Yet when I get busy you’ll find me going to bed around 11pm or 12am only to have to get up at 5:45 or 6am. Sometimes my lack of sleep isn’t a huge deal. When life is relatively simple and there are no big stressors, 6.5 to 7 hours four or five nights a week isn’t something that affects me much. When my life is hectic, the lack of sleep affects me much more. Such as now. Today I’m tired, a little cranky, and a lot lazy. My eyes even feel burning because they have this burning desire to close and SLEEP!

Lack of sleep can cause people to overeat. I do that quite a bit when I’m tired. Lack of sleep can cause decreased motivation. I’m a great example of that- no workout tonight even though my scheduled time is 40 min from now. I already know that I’m not going to go out and run and head to the park to do my workout. Lack of sleep can cause depression and anxiety issues. Well, there I’m alright anyway.

This is also a bit cyclical for me. I don’t get enough sleep so the next day I’m tired and lazy. Then I have things to do that need to get done. I’m lazy, don’t want to do them. But since I have to, it just takes me much longer to do them with my frequent “breaks”. I get distracted more often and find myself doing things that I don’t need to be doing or that I wasn’t planning to do. Then by the end of the night, I still haven’t really sat and relaxed so I’ll watch a movie or do something else equally as stupid and meaningless. Then, shower and get ready for bed and it’s already two hours past my bedtime.

Last night my plan was to get home, go to the store, and make our lunches for the week. I did those things and was done at the reasonable time of 9pm. Then I watched a movie. I should have been in bed by 10. Instead with the movie and still needing to shower and stuff, it was a tad after 11. Just me being stupid about my priorities. Well, I’m going to stop whining here and make it a priority to get some sleep tonight.

Goodnight everyone (in a few hours).

5 Comments leave one →
  1. RobFitness permalink
    June 2, 2009 5:33 PM

    I totally agree with you on this ones. Sleep is so important to re-energize your mind and body, physically and mentally. That’s why I try so hard to get my needed sleep each night. Today is not one of them though been up for 20 hours now and no sleep. This always happens on my Friday though. I do plan on getting to be soon s and sleep till I wake and hopefully it will be for many hours.
    Thanks again for your comments on my blog and the one on Water Retention as well. I really do appreciate them all.
    I haven’t used monkey bars in years. I think the last time was when I was in the Army back in 1980 and all I recall was a lot of blisters. 😦
    Your doing so well and I am glad to see you post again.

    • June 6, 2009 7:44 PM

      No blisters, yet. I do have bruises behind my knees from those inverted sit ups. I’ll be bringing my towel from now on for some cushion behind my knees :).

  2. June 4, 2009 3:57 AM

    Hello……I found your site from My name is Denise and I am a Holistic Fitness Teacher.

    I found this post interesting and very true. It is a challenge to exist when we do not sleep enough. That tends to cause us to spiral and “avoid” those things we really need and desire to do.
    In terms, of exercise, it is always best to listen to your body. If you are tired, how about a few yoga poses? This also helps with sleep.
    Lastly, I have discovered that watching TV before bed actually inters with our quality of sleep. It is best to do something “soothing” and comforting to be in a “peaceful” state. I hope this is helpful.

    Have a “wonderful” day……..:) Denise

  3. June 6, 2009 7:46 PM

    Thanks for the comment here Denise :). No TV in our house except for movie purposes. No channels- keeps my daughter occupied with other more quality things as well. For me, it’s internet use befor bed that I’m trying to cut down on. Most days I’m no longer here past 7pm. But really hasn’t been helping me sleep better. I go to bed at 8:30 and lay there till 10 or 10:30 most nights. Very frustrating especially when I’m so damn exhausted!

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