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Not Really Feeling Like Posting

March 20, 2009

So, I think other than my morning run, it’s probably been a week since I last worked out. I’m a bit disappointed with myself but I know that when I get depressed I just have a very large lack of motivation to do anything other than sit on my butt and feel bad. I’ve been having a rough time but I’ll get over it. I don’t really feel much like posting either- mostly because I’m just feeling crappy about myself. It’s not fun to tell the world (or a few people who read this babble) that I’m just not a happy person lately. Usually, I’m a happy person. But I think my happy button got broken. Or maybe someone stole it.

Things I’m happy about though would be that I’ve been eating fairly well. I have actually gotten down to 125lbs and yes, I am eating. I have just been very aware of what I’m eating because of my lack of working out. I get rid of chips and crackers next and I’ve tried to not overdo them because of my lack of doing anything other than sitting on my behind.

I’d like to go out dancing this weekend with my sister on Saturday but I’ve got to work this weekend at the hospital. Maybe she’ll convince me anyway and I’ll go to work half asleep on Sunday… that could be interesting. At least my job is easy and I could probably show up drunk and no one would be injured by my drunkeness (but I don’t drink so that wouldn’t happy anyway). The job I’m going to college for, now that one I need to be in my best frame of mind to do.

Okay, so it’s a post. It’s at least keeping me accountable to myself.

I do plan to run tomorrow morning again at least. My thighs are a bit sore from my last run and so are my abs! From running of all things…

18 Comments leave one →
  1. RobFitness permalink
    March 21, 2009 11:16 AM

    A very good and honest post. I think many of us are feeling a bit like you mentioned in your comment to me. I know I have and that’s why I wanted to change my blog up a bit. My allergies have been bothering me as well and has prevented me from workout out. I plan on taking the week-end off and go back strong on Monday. I myself hate feeling this way, bit I attribute it to it being “my” time of month. It seems like I go through this cycle every since months or so, but it passes as I hope yours does too. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers as well. Feel better, my friend…
    Have a most relaxing and enjoyable day ahead…

    PS>> I miss having Luke and Megan around too. 😦

    • March 23, 2009 6:18 PM

      Rob thanks for your comment and support :). I hope your weekend went well and that your Monday went better than mine. I had a pretty bad food day today. Multiple cheats, but I did my workout at least.

      I’ll be heading over by you tonight to catch up!

  2. Tim permalink
    March 21, 2009 11:20 AM

    Oh… You aren’t coming down to Appleton then???

    OK…Have a nice evening…

  3. jleeger permalink
    March 21, 2009 11:40 AM

    Take it easy, Michelle. The most consistent thing in life is variability. It’s good to have ups and downs, in activity, mood, or whatever. You need those times – if you didn’t, they wouldn’t happen. Thanks for your honesty! And have a great day!

    • March 23, 2009 6:20 PM

      This week will be better! I’m deciding it’ll be better, so it’ll have to be. Spring break is always great. No school, but lots of extra work this week. The cash will be nice :).

  4. Riayn permalink
    March 22, 2009 8:42 PM

    Try not to be too hard on yourself. We all have periods where we can’t exercise for various reasons, besides you are still running so it is not like you are not doing anything as well.

    Do your best to get in a workout this week and I am sure it will boost your mood. Exercise seems to have that weird effect. 🙂

    • March 23, 2009 6:21 PM

      I did get one in today and I do feel a bit better. It got cold again here so I only ran once but I cant wait to try to beat my awful time!

  5. March 22, 2009 10:32 PM

    Hey girl! This happens to the best of us! Life’s a symphony. Sometimes you lead with the strings, sometimes you lead with the woodwinds. Just like sometimes you need to pay more attention to your work life, your relationships, or your “me time” than you do to your physical body or working out. And isn’t it good to take a break from your workout routine once in a while?

    Try not to be so hard on yourself. You’re MUCH better at posting and working out – regularly than I am!

    Thanks for an honest post! Hope you went out dancing and had a blast!

    • March 23, 2009 6:23 PM

      I did go out but headed in pretty early. Going to work half asleep is not too good! The break from my routine probably was good in a way, but I do like my routines :). Helps me stay calm to know what’s next.

  6. March 23, 2009 4:49 PM

    Oh my goodness and here I was sitting there thinking you were the next thing to perfect. Okay, I’m teasing, but seriously it’s okay to have a bad day and even a bad week. I hope tomorrow is a good one for you. Depression is hard. I know that it has been probably one of the biggest things that can sidetrack me. Hope you can get a workout in when you are up to it. Hang in there.

    • March 23, 2009 6:26 PM

      lol, definitely no where near perfect! I’ve had issues with depression since a pretty young age. I don’t take any pills for it because I’m a bit crazy. I figure as long as I’m aware that it’s depression causing me to feel the way I do and I understand it then I can control it better. If I ever again felt like I did a few years back… then who knows. Maybe the nut house would be in order then!

  7. ladlam permalink
    March 23, 2009 7:47 PM

    Michelle I find it a bit freaky that I come here and happen to read more or less my exact mood, only on your blog. It seems that the mood is somehow infecting us via Rob’s blog 😀
    Hope things turn around for you very soon!

    • RobFitness permalink
      March 25, 2009 7:56 AM

      So now I am to blame for this too 🙂 boy the world hangs on my shoulders doesn’t it. I guess I’ll have to write some more inspirational words so i can cheer up and undo all the damage I have done to the blog world 🙂 Thanks guys… You have made me smile today.

      • March 25, 2009 2:22 PM

        LOL, Rob, we all blame you ;). Just teasing. I’m getting out of my funk a bit but now I have a horrible headache. Six asprin so far and it’s still killing me. The last two did knock it down a bit more though. It’s easy night tonight so I have to do this workout! I can’t miss easy night!

        No runs yet this week- rain, wind, freezing cold!

  8. March 23, 2009 7:50 PM

    I’ve been looking at lots of blogs and they all seem to have the same theme this past week! It’s awful! I agree, must be an infection via wordpress ;). hehe

  9. ladlam permalink
    March 23, 2009 8:03 PM

    For sure – they’ve found a way to bring down the fitness community via blog!

  10. March 23, 2009 8:04 PM

    lol, seems like they have! Now I want the cure!!! I’ll pay anything!

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